Set Parameter

Set a parameter value at any point in the conversation flow.

You can use the Set Parameter node when you are looking to have a set value for a parameter - and don’t want the caller to fill it in. We can either input the value manually or use a placeholder sign "$" and the name of the parameter you are referring to ("$PARAMETER_NAME).

You can add multiple parameters to the node by clicking on "Add parameter".

Best Practices - When to use Set Parameter?

Influence the conversational flow

You can use the set param to tag that the user went through a specific part in the flow, and do a condition so he won’t go through it again.

For example, if the user is has got to the “missed” tab in the classification node, we can set a parameter that lets us know it was triggered once, and add a condition that has a different logic:


  1. Create a parameter and set a value in the set param node.

2. Create a condition node that if the parameter has a value/is equal to the value you set in the set param node.

3. Attach the “missed” in the classification node to the condition node.

4. Attach the “default” to the logic you want the user to go first.

5. Attach it to the set param node.

6. Attach the set param node to the original classification node.

7. Attach the condition you created to the logic you want the user to go to the second time.

Set a specific parameter, not the user input

Another use case you can use the set param node is when you need to set a specific parameter after an intent (in the classification node) and not the user’s input. For example, when the parameter values need to be the same from all callers.

All you need to do is to attach the set param node after the intent and set the value you want.

Usually, we set the intent’s name as the value of the parameter.

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